YidLife Crisis
3 Seasons
YidLife Crisis is a Yiddish comedy series created by two friends, Eli Batalion and Jamie Elman, wanting to pay homage to the yiddishkayt in their upbringing and the Jewish comedic lens on life with which they were raised.
What started as a passion project turned into a hit with over 3,000,000 video views and 30,000 subscribers, global press, awards and accolades, appearances and shoots around the world, the collaboration of talent such as Mayim Bialik and Howie Mandel, and a chance to work with various organizations from Jewish community centers through academic institutions through comedy festivals.
Created by Eli Batalion and Jamie Elman
2014 - present
Comedy, Sitcom, Yiddish Culture, Canadian Culture
Yiddish, English (with English subtitles)
Episode 1: Off the Top | YidLife Crisis (Season 2)
Episode 1
On the Holy First Day of the Jewish New Year, Chaimie and Leizer's resolutions may be snipped short.
Episode 2: Yingl Belz | YidLife Crisis (Season 2)
Episode 2
Chaimie & Leizer nosh on wontons (aka kreplach) and discover that we're all a little bit Christm-ish.
Episode 3: The Double Date | YidLife Crisis (Season 2)
Episode 3
A blind date for Leizer with the perfect woman turns into a battle of nebbish proportions.
Featuring special guest star Mayim Bialik! -
Episode 4: Coming Out of Bondage | YidLife Crisis (Season 2)
Episode 4
On the eve of Passover, Chaimie coaxes Leizer to come out for a bit.
Bonus Episode: YidLife Crisis vs. Howie Mandel
Episode 5
The boychicks from YidLife Crisis get their chance to meet Howie Mandel and are determined not to blow it.