Celebrate Sukkot with WHERE LIFE BEGINS, a stunning and emotional romantic drama set against the lush backdrop of the annual Etrog (Citron) harvest in southern Italy, featuring Italian star Riccardo Scamarcio (John Wick 2, A Haunting in Venice) and rising French actress Lou de Laâge (Coup de Chan...
Simone Segre, a renowned surgeon of Jewish origins, lives in a city in the north-east of Italy. A quiet life, an elegant apartment and no connection with his past. One day he finds himself assisting a man victim of a hit and run accident. But when he discovers a Nazi tattoo on his chest, Simone a...
Past and present intertwine upon the discovery of an old, mysterious photograph that will end up tying together Christian and Jewish students in search of the truth. Trying to unravel the mystery behind the portrait, the boys embark on a journey through a night of horror that cannot be forgotten:...
As a director and Hollywood producer, Michał Waszyński made over 40 films and worked with major movie stars including Sophia Loren, Claudia Cardinale and Orson Welles. His true obsession, though, was 'The Dybbuk' or 'Between Two Worlds', directed by Waszyński in 1937 and based on an old Jewish le...
Little Jerusalem: that is how the locals refer to the town of Pitigliano in southern Tuscany, because of its striking resemblance to Israel’s ancient city. Through the medieval stone walls, the fascinating story of 400 years of harmonic co-existence between Jews and Christians is told for the fir...
Elia (Toni Servillo, "The Great Beauty") is a Jewish psychoanalyst from a purely Freudian school of thought. Due to his austere and detached manner, he is reputed for immediately generating awe in his patients. Elia lives alone in a flat on the same floor as his ex- wife Giovanna, with whom he is...
Based on a true story, FANNY’S JOURNEY is an incredible tale of bravery, strength and survival, a story of a daring young girl who will stop at nothing and fear no one. In 1943, 13-year old Fanny and her younger sisters were sent from their home in France to an Italian foster home for Jewish chil...